snapper, the snapshot manager

snapper, the snapshot manager

ubuntu 18.04 btrfs hw2018 server snapper xsuperseded

** This post has been updated: simpler rollbacks**

snapper and how to deal with problems

snapper undochanges for small problems

Let’s suppose you’ve updated a package, and the new version does not work anymore. apt should have triggered a snapshot, and thoses changes can be reverted.

I don’t have a situation like this on my system, but let’s pretend I have one, by installing a software, for instance ncdu. It’s a bad example, since ncdu is really usefull, but let’s do it:

  1. Create a ~fake~ problem
    sudo apt-get install -y ncdu
  2. Identify the snapshots
    snapper list
    single | 255 |       | Tue 15 May 2018 07:00:09 PM CEST | root | timeline | timeline    |         
    pre    | 256 |       | Thu 17 May 2018 08:24:12 PM CEST | root | number   | apt         |         
    post   | 257 | 256   | Thu 17 May 2018 08:24:19 PM CEST | root | number   | apt         |     

    apt has created a pre/post snapshots with numbers 257 and 256

  3. Revert the changes
    sudo snapper undochange 256..257
    create:0 modify:6 delete:96

    ncdu is not installed anymore, success!

snapper rollback for bigger problems ⚠

snapper rollback is not supported on ubuntu, mainly because SUSE Linux (the main contributor of snapper) uses a different filesystem layout.

However, since we’ve got snapshots, we can still recover manually from catastrophic failures.

  1. Make sure you’ve got a bootable media for your machine.
  2. Make sure you’ve got a recent backup.
  3. NO, liten to me NOW!, make really really sure you’ve got a working backup and a bootable media for your machine, always.
  4. Make sure you’ve got a good snapshot of your system, and /boot is on the snapshot
    sudo touch /boot/test
    snapper create -c timeline -d "about to destroy the system"
    snapper list
    single | 260 |       | Thu 17 May 2018 09:00:12 PM CEST | root | timeline | timeline                    |
    single | 261 |       | Thu 17 May 2018 10:00:31 PM CEST | root | timeline | timeline                    |
    single | 262 |       | Thu 17 May 2018 10:50:42 PM CEST | pim  | timeline | about to destroy the system |
    snapper status 261..262
    +..... /boot/test
  5. Now I’m sure /boot is in my snapshots, let’s create a fake problem:
  6. Create a fake problem
    sudo rm /boot -rf
  7. Now reboot (won’t work)
  8. Reboot on your bootable media, select Rescue a broken system
  9. Do as you do when you installed the system
  10. Assemble the RAID array (automatic will do), then select your root device, mine is /dev/root/root
  11. Execute a shell in the installer environment
  12. Umount /target it is mounted with a wrong subvolume argument, and remount it
    umount /target
    mount /dev/root/root /target
  13. Make a snapshot of the broken system
    btrfs create subvolume snapshot -r /target/@ /target/@/.snapshots/broken
  14. Restore
    btrfs property set -ts /target/@/.snapshots/261/snapshot ro false
    mv /target/@ /target/@_broken
    mv /target/@_broken/.snapshots/261 /@
    mv /target/@_broken/.snapshots /@
    umount /target
  15. reboot (should work), then let’s have a look at snapper
    snapper create -c timeline -d "system restored"
    snapper list
    single | 260 |       | Thu 17 May 2018 09:00:12 PM CEST | root | timeline | timeline                    |
    single | 262 |       | Thu 17 May 2018 10:50:42 PM CEST | pim  | timeline | about to destroy the system |
    single | 263 |       | Thu 17 May 2018 10:50:42 PM CEST | pim  | timeline | system restored             |

    Spapshot #261 is not in the list anymore, since we have moved it to @, but our system is fixed.


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